Saturday, February 20, 2010

My 3 Week Old Has Phlegm Can Anyone Suggest Medication / Home Remedies For A Nagging Cough. My Four Year Old Has Had A Cough For 3 Week

Can anyone suggest medication / home remedies for a nagging cough. my four year old has had a cough for 3 week - my 3 week old has phlegm

now. Medicine does not seem to help, and it is terrible to see them fight each cough. The spray has not helped. Who have a lot of mucus, and each time he managed to include some from outside seems to seems to bring relief ... but I think there are many more .... Please help


Mad as a Cat in a Bomber Jacket said...

You can use the lemon juice, honey and paracetamol tablets for children trying to dissolve in warm water, do not think the remedy for cough, but he needs something to relieve the irritation.
Also, try to hit the coast (as you can contribute during the winding / burping a newborn) to build mucas to more rest can solve.
Take him to the doctor, tell him that the medication does not work can send his son to the doctor x-rays to see exactly how clogged your lungs are and what, if any requirere further treatment of his son.

I hope that your child will quickly improve, it is disheartening to see the bad ones.

Good luck. X :-)

mahler19... said...

Sounds like you need to be reviewed by a physician. The counter preparations for cough, are dangerous for small children. It is likely the reason for this. When a drug does not help the first time, then the development of drugs is required.

One thing you can do is be with his head on his lap and a cup of your back. For a cup properly, you need your thumb placed on the finger. Bend the finger at about 45 degrees in the middle of the body. Then the cup is again repeated and savage. Suction cups may leave some redness of the return, but unless done with an appropriate force is unnecessary. They are best served by digging a network of research.

We have the technology several times a day to loosen dirt in the lungs of individuals cystic fibrosis.

It is difficult to see a child in such distress.

Good luck

busybee2 said...

Looks like you are in a torch. You can do more than just reduce the inflammation bronchodialator. It has two red flags for a torch ... interrupted by the cough and excessive mucus. I would like (a referral to a pediatric pulmonologist for asthma should request the Pedi Diago and gave him drugs by EDS).

At home, try Vicks vapor rub on the chest and throat at night will help calm the lungs and coughing.

Do not use a cough .. If you have an asthma attack, cough is necessary ... is an attempt to clear mucus from the airways .. If you delete it, it is compact and can lead to a serious crisis, or pneumonia.

bamboo said...

It may be possible that he spoke of the "dust" in the room .. was stimulated Try washing the A / C filter .. Then with a damp (and usually I use the wet ") and go through the cabinet on the top of the door .. where the dust ... Ceiling fan, ... and are so significant, but not empty dust mixture of "good" runs out of the machine ..
No damage to check for which this option ..

Dr.Dhan said...

U can try Immuno drops or drops available Canova.
It is a means of herbal plants are not prepared vegetables poisonous. If there is no risk, because it was there to deal with such problems there as early as May for a child aged 1 years.

sherri s said...

In addition to the reply by Cassie when you get to hot water with honey and lemon or raspberry tea, the drink trick works. The hot liquid membrane breaks and leaves in the other direction, instead of coughing! I hope that your feeling a little better.

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